Natural Health & Healing


Author: Kamal K Anand,
Publisher: Notion Press
(Pp 122, ISBN 978-1-946204-79-0, Rs 150)

This book is for all those who wish to lead a youthful, healthy and happy life, that too without medication. It guides people, especially children and youngsters to live healthy naturally.

The book covers topics like yoga, meditation, nature care, acupressure and homeopathy. Written in a very easy-to-understand language, the book gives tips to be followed. The text is crisp, without any frills.

The book also focuses on issues like celibacy, abortions, nabhi, medical astrology, managing conflicts, degenerative diseases, cancer, etc. Also, there are health stimulant tips for all of us. A small yet practical book for all those wanting to lead a healthier life.
– Varsha Verma

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