Alphabets of Good Life

- A Treasury of Wisdom


Author: JP Vaswani
Publisher: Gita Publishing House
(Pp 520, ISBN 978-93-86004-09-3, Rs 600)

When a book is from Rev. Dada J P Vaswani, then you are sure to get valuable lessons of life. This is a comprehensive collection of innate wisdom and practical guidance of Dada. It represents one hundred years of Rev. Dada’s unparalleled insight and foresight on the gift of life and the art of worthwhile living, in a selection of one hundred timeless topics that are relevant to us all.

Are you happy? Dada says, he who desires nothing, claims nothing, expects nothing ad is free from hatred and fear. He, who opens his heart to reach out, to love and care for people, are all creation around him. The books gives an insight on how we may conquer the mirage of superficial pleasure and attain true happiness. The book helps to deal with negativity in our life, inspiring us with simple anecdotes, stories and valuable tips.

Dada touches on all aspects of life — right from A to Z. He discusses each vital issue with his amazing perception and understanding. You can either read the book from beginning to end or choose to read about the topic of your choice. There are 100 aspects from Dada’s teachings including aspects like anger, anxiety, compassion, desire, discipline, education, faith, friendship, laughter, marriage, optimism and pessimism, old age, religion, sadhana, satsang, time, truth, yoga, etc.

A wonderful must-have book concerning all aspects of life!
– Varsha Verma

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