Spaces Inspired by Nature


Author: Shirish Beri, Publisher: Super Book House, Mumbai
(Pp 244, ISBN 978-93-81452-01-1, Rs 3,000)

Can the quality of our life improve when we live and work in spaces inspired by nature? Well, the book says ‘yes.’
An architect by profession, Shirish Beri attempts to address his concern for man’s alienation from nature through his work as an architect. His nature inspired designs featured in the book aspire to directly and indirectly help in bringing man closer to nature. Each project, through a number of relevant images and drawings, discusses its genesis and basic concept along with its expression in the actual design, technology, construction materials and user feedback.

Excellently produced, the book is a treat for eyes, with beautiful images and illustrations, which showcase the beauty of nature-inspired spaces. Must read for architects, lovers of nature and simply anybody who wants to know more about architecture.

–Vasu V

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