The Source… Power of Happy Thoughts


Author: Sirshree
Publisher: O! Publishing, Pune
(Pp 224, ISBN 978-81-8415-281-4, Rs 195)

After a long period of contemplation, author’s spiritual quest ended with the attainment of the ultimate truth. The Source…Power of Happy Thought convincingly depicts man’s voyage in search of wisdom and spiritual goal in life through a question answer plan. The book is divided in three parts.

Part one: creation talks about sutras to understand the third dimension, which tells that before anything is created in the physical plane, it is first created in the mental plane. One should be clear about what you want, not what you don’t want and that peoples thought do not affect you until you allow them to. Part two: source mantras to experience the fourth dimension tries to answer questions like what is meditation, how long one should meditate, techniques of acceptance, why peace and what is the importance of peace? While, Part three: deals with case studies of what has been perceived in the earlier pages. With the Seven Tools and Seven Rules that Sirshree equips us with, such a goal becomes easier to attain.

The Source teaches thought yoga so that one can harness the power of happy thoughts.

–GS Jolly

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