Dignitaries from Indonesia at NBT


A delegation of Parliament of the Republic of Indonesia (Committee X on Education; Culture and Tourism; Youth and Sports; and Library Affairs) recently visited National Book Trust, India. The Delegation was received by M A Sikandar, director, NBT and G R M Raghavender, director (BP) MHRD at the Trust’s office.

Sikander gave a detailed presentation on the Indian Publishing Industry and the role of the National Book Trust, India in book publishing and book promotion in the country for the last 56 years.

The committee appreciated the efforts of Indian government and its commitments towards promoting reading habits and making available quality books at affordable price. “The main objective of visiting India was to discuss the Law of Book Publishing in this country and therefore we have chosen National Book Trust, India as the main place to learn about books. We would like to formulate a suitable legislation on Book Publishing and Book Promotion based on Indian experience more particularly on NBT model,” shared Said Rizali Wilmar Indrakesuma, the Head of the Parliamentary Delegation of the Republic of Indonesia.

At the end, MA Sikander proposed vote of thanks to all the members who were present in the discussion.

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