S. Chand Group presents Indian Education Congress and Awards 2011 held at Claridges, Suraj Kund on 22nd and 23rd April 2011


S. Chand Group presented the first Indian Education Congress and Awards. The event was the first of its kind, empowering educators to share their knowledge, ideas and best practices. Various policy makers, educationists and companies attended the event discussing the business of education, for interactions and knowledge sharing on various topics related to best practices, regulatory issues and future trends in the education field. The event focused on discovering the pulse of education business in the country. Education sector in India is experiencing changes as due to introduction of new technologies and globalization of education business.

Keynote speaers included Barry O’ Callaghan – Chairman, EMPGI, Ashok Ganguly – Former Chairman, CBSE, Professor Rajshekhar Pillai – Vice Chairman, IGNOU, Shantanu Prakash – Chairman, Educomp, Dilip Chenoi – Chairman, National Skill Development Corporation, Amit Gupta, CEO, S. Chand Group, Abha Adams, and other recognized figures in the education sector.

The speakers talked about various topics including K-12 education, higher education, vocational training, the future of education, technology as a key driver of education, and education as an enterprise.

According to Mr. Ganguly, “In India, the condition of primary education is quite good. There are plenty of options available. But the efficiency of the secondary education is very low. In the next three to five years we need double the number of secondary schools.”

To this Mr. Pillai added, “Implementation of IT at the school level teaching process is the immediate requirement. Teachers should be equipped with IT. They should know how IT in classrooms can enhance the teaching-learning process.”

Over the two day conference delegates had a chance to interact with prominent stakeholders in all levels of education, and discuss their views on Indian education. The conference provided a great forum for people to share their views, and it is hoped that ideas and recommendations emerging from the conference will help shape education related policy in the future.

Award win at Indian Education Awards 2011:

In the Indian Education Awards 2011 held on 22nd April evening; Destination Success, the school solution from S. Chand Harcourt won the award for “Best Education Technology Solution for Schools” in 2011.

The Indian Education Awards 2011 were presented, which felicitated achievers, innovators and suppliers who have contributed significantly towards the growth of the segment. The awards were presented across 23 categories. There were other awards like ‘Best Entrepreneur of the Year’, ‘Best Private University’, Excellence in ‘Distance Learning Education’, ‘Lifetime Achievement Award for Higher Education’ etc.

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