Stress to Serenity
Author: Amar Chandel
Publisher: Konark Publishers Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
(Pp 208, ISBN 9789322008406, Rs 295)
One look at the book and one is bound to pick it up – the title Stress to Serenity immediately attracts and even the title cover makes you feel at peace. It’s not just the look but the content is also very promising. Who is not stressed in this fast-pace, busy and competitive life? But, stress is not just about external factors. Infact, it just depends 20 percent on the external environment but the other 80 percent is the result of how we react to persons, places or situations. The key to moving from stress to serenity is observing and modifying one’s own thinking process and responses. This is just what the book teaches you. Aided with beautiful illustrations, handy exercises, examples and case studies, it’s a must-read book for people of all ages.
– Varsha Verma
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