Climate Change and Threats to Human Security


Editor: Narottam Gann,
Publisher: Kalpaz, New Delhi
(Pp 336, ISBN 978-93-5128-015-6, Rs 999)

Climate change is a long term change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns over periods that range from decades to millions of years. Climate change may be limited to a specific region, or may occur across the whole earth. A paradigm shift has taken place from state centric security to non state security threats. These non centric non-traditional security threats have the potential to impact international security and national politics as these non-traditional security threats are mostly trans- boundary.

Climate Change and Threats to Human Security, edited by Narottam Gann is a compilation of a bundle of articles written from various perspectives mostly focuses on the threats the climate change poses to human security.

The articles cover a large spectrum of topics on climate change and security threats to the modern world irrespective of national boundaries and therefore a global issue. The papers include detailed studies of issues like global warming, human security, climate change and its impact on various geographical entities with special reference to third world countries.

The studies included in this volume are well documented for further study in this field.

–GS Jolly

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