Spirituality in Daily Life


Author: JP Vaswani Publisher: Gita Publishing House, Pune
(Pp 440, ISBN 978-93-80743-67-7, Rs 250)

This small-sized book is a powerful book that teaches that spirituality is not an abstract, complex pursuit that is often made out to be. It is born out of an inner aspiration, an awakening to the realization that there is more to life than materialism.

Divided into three sections – what is spirituality, preparing to walk the way of spirituality and the VIDGYOR of spirituality, the book tries to make one aware of one’s inner being, which is more powerful than we can think of. For busy people, the book has an afterword, which gives practical suggestions that one can follow on the path of spirituality. Easy-to-understand, the book helps one explore the firmament of the spirit.


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