Jack & Master


Author: Karan Verma
Publisher: Rupa Publication New Delhi
(Pp 243, ISBN 978-81-29130938, Rs 250)

Debutant author Karan Verma is a young mind, software engineer and management postgraduate, who justifiably tells this campus story every youngster will find entertaining, inspiring and evolving. The story opens with protagonist Siddharth’s total recall of how he has become ‘Master’ in life with deep inspirations from ‘Jack’.

Who was Jack? On the campus of Grinnel’s University in Goa was where Siddharth met Jack of all trades who did every activity under the sun. The story at length revolves around all ups and downs of flamboyant Jack and indomitable Master on life’s lane of fun, craziness and finally a battle to be fought together. And who comes on the top at the end of all episodes? Master Sidhharth! Read on…

–Jyaneswar Laishram

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