Tears of Jhelum
Author: Anita Krishan
Publisher: Fingerprint, Delhi
(Pp 300, ISBN 978-81-7234-492-4, Rs 295)
The people of Kashmir have suffered a great deal over many decades but their plight is not well known. Readers will welcome the author’s attention to this vital issue. The author describes the situation as, “life in strife-torn Kashmir has never been easy, but now after years of relentless turbulence, it is worse still…. The soil of this valley is red with futile bloodshed, and the waters of Jhelum are soiled with tears of pain. Peace has remained shattered and broken like the debris of a house that was bombed…” (p14)
The book is the story of oppression, detrimental domination of a society of one societal group over another group that is designed to prevent their growth or advancement using cruel or oppressive means.
The Tears of Jhelum is a tragic and inspiring tragedy through fiction. The author tries to give voice to the people through the protagonist in the book Wali Mohammad, who has been silent witness to long years of strife and turmoil. Wali managed to create a seemingly normal life for himself and his family within the protective walls of his home, naively believing that the madness beyond, will never touch the ones he loved. But this was not to be. In Tears of Jhelum the author, Anita Krishnan has penned down a passionate book on tragedy, hope and inspiration of the people of Kashmir.
– GS Jolly
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