The rock that was not and other stories
Author: Githanjali
Translated from Telugu by: K.Suneetha Rani
Publisher: Ratna Books – An imprint of Ratna Sagar Pvt Ltd
(Pp185, ISBN 978-93-5290-149-4, eISBN 978-93-5290-166-1, Rs 349)
The complex woman-man relationship demands mutual care and compassion, but is often sickened by the patriarchal mindset compelling women to live as mere sexualized and commodified bodies. In the twelve short stories, this book explores day-to-day issues in woman’s life, which are generally a taboo in society, and shares sensitive tales around breast, vagina and womb. These stories depict how woman are labeled, isolated and stigmatized. Githanjali, is the pen name of Dr Bharathi, MS, who by profession is a doctor, sexologist and psychotherapist, which gives a added depth to the writings of women issues like reproductive rights, sexual & health issues, domestic violence, etc. The original stories are written in a simple way, depicting the agonies of common women, which any reader can relate easily. And the translation is also equally smooth and lyrical, that the essence of originality remains.
These stories are not limited to any particular class, religion, society or even age, only constant is a woman and her fights — a fight with society, family, husband, parent, children and even with self. For their path-breaking themes, these are the stories of resistance, protest and transformation. These stories are going to stay with readers for a while, as they describe the familiar world around us.
– Smita Dwivedi
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