Saanvri: The story of a concubine
Author: Vinod Pande; Publisher: Niyogi Books, New Delhi
(Pp 264, ISBN 978-93-85285-45-5, Rs 250)
The cover itself is a testimony to the fact that the book would be provocative, racy and bold. The story revolves around Saanvri, who learns to use the wanton carnality in men as a means of gratification as well as a weapon for rising high. Soon, she learns that she is merely used and abused by this patriarchal society. Though Saanvri becomes emotionally involved with the men in her lives, she soon realises that they are merely looking for the physical gratification she provided. The story is not new, such things do happen all around and there are so many instances of women being used by men in power. Even today, women are objectified and used by them for mere pleasure. Yet, the story is captivating, compelling reader to know what happens next. But, the only thing that disturbs is the use of cuss words in Hindi, which could have been avoided.
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