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Jan Feb 23

A Bookseller can create a Bestseller

No matter how good a book is, for better success, it has to be properly promoted. To earn the title of “bestselling,” one has to follow the modern ways to promote a book. To understand the algorithm of book marketing nowadays, Smita Dwivedi…

“A child who reads will be an adult who thinks”

Children’s literature is an important genre of book publishing that has a significant impact on children’s lives and their development. We all have learnt the first lessons about different cultures, beliefs, moral and ethical values, such…

The best readers are children!

To speak to children is to play a game. You have to keep them entertained, indulge their imagination, and only then do they grant you the honour of their attention. While we get muddled with maintaining the purity of language, simplifying…

TNTB & ESC: committed to the world of books!

Tamil Nadu Textbook and Educational Services Corporation(TNTB & ESC) was one of the main organisers of the recently concluded first edition of the ‘Chennai International Book Fair’ along with Booksellers and Publishers Association of…