IPA commends European Parliament copyright vote


International Publishers congratulated Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) for voting through important changes to copyright that support Europe’s creative industries.

The vote, which took place at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, was adopted by a strong majority of 438 votes in favour, 226 against and 39 abstentions. A previous draft text was rejected in July following an unprecedented level of questionable automated messages to MEPs from platforms seeking to undermine copyright. These messages, ostensibly from grass roots movements were revealed to be, in fact, linked to big tech operators.

Michiel Kolman, IPA President who was in Strasbourg for the vote said,“This vote recognises the value of Europe’s creative industries. Technology companies and platforms are part of how creative works are distributed but this vote reinforces the underlying principle of copyright that creators and publishers deserve fair financial reward for their work.”

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