Pre-nursery, nursery and kindergarten sets from Dreamland


Dreamland Publications has published a unique series for the play-school students and the young learners. The books of this series are in line with the Pre-School Curriculum that supports the children learning at home.

The bright and colourful pictures of each set along with the easy-to-understand text are sure to help the children recognise alphabets, numbers, patterns and environment. The books can be used both at home as well as a part of the school curriculum.

The Pre-Nursery Book Set has 8 books. Each book of this set has interesting, motivating activities that make learning fun and develop good learning habits among children. Meant for early readers these books help impart knowledge and education in an amusing way and put their skills into practice.

While, the Nursery Set has 9 books. These books have been carefully prepared with young learners in view. With wonderful colourful pictures and activities on each page, young children learn valuable skills, letters, numbers, printing, drawing and so on in a playful way.

Besides, the Kindergarten Set has 13 books. The books have been developed to enable the little minds’ learning concepts. The different concepts dealt with in this set will help the children practice the expressive and receptive language, and develop their verbal expression skills.

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