Converting book to digital files made easy


With the growing popularity of e-readers and digital books, ION, a leading manufacturer of consumer electronics and entertainment technology, has created the fastest and most convenient system for transferring novels, textbooks and periodicals to the digital realm. Book Saver allows everyone to easily transfer their favorite stories directly to convenient SD cards. Once converted, the books can be quickly transferred to a computer or e-reader.

ION has launched the Book Saver Book Scanner, the perfect way to convert your printed materials to digital files for use with e-readers and for digital archiving. Book Saver has two cameras that take separate images in rapid succession of each page within an open book. Both cameras of Book Saver also have a flash for allowing the page to be fully illuminated during the scanning process. Book Saver’s cradle, where the book is placed during the scanning process, is also angled as to not require the user to hold pages down to get a flat, even surface. Furthermore, while similar devices require up to seven seconds per one page, Book Saver takes only one second per two pages!

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