How AI rewrites your publishing story

Ilangoven Chinnusamy, Solutions Manager (Publishing), Ailaysa shares how AI is transforming the process of producing content and book composing.


Let this be yet another alert message emphasizing why and how artificial intelligence is transforming everything, including book publishing today. I recently discovered a new AI tool, ChatGPT, which is currently trending globally. When I enter a question, “Tell me about the first cities of human civilization,” it immediately responds with some 200-word piece of text. The output is almost flawless and professional, with no factual errors. ChatGPT is yet another terrifying tool created by the new AI behemoths like OpenAI that is set to revolutionize how we create content among other tasks.
The impact of AI on the publishing industry is all-encompassing. But the most crucial area AI transforms is the fundamental process of producing content and composing a book. In what ways are you impacted? Content research, authoring, translation, copy editing, grammar and spell check, proofreading, revising, checking for plagiarism, cover design, illustration, image, and audio production: all of these functions can now be delegated to AI in whole or in part, and the list will grow. Some of these breakthroughs are so extraordinary that they demand brief explanations:

Write with AI: This is the single most significant change. Using AI writing tools, you can generate content automatically. You type short sentences and ask the system to generate a detailed text out of them, and it does so. Simply write a prompt such as “Growth marketing is a new method of…” and then ask AI to complete the sentence. It will generate a detailed description, which you can review and modify. As previously stated, the questions can also be asked in a series to build an entire blog or chapter, then entire book!

Copy edit with AI: Auto generated or manually written texts can be revised for a specific style and tone. Use paraphrasing technologies to accomplish this. The act of rewriting a sentence in a different pattern and style without changing its meaning is known as paraphrasing. You can use AI tools like Quillbot to rewrite your text for different purposes.
Translate with AI: Now that it’s been around for a while (Google Translate!), everyone uses it despite how much they scoff at its translations. But not anymore. Currently available and future versions will have near human-like precision and acceptance. You can think of this as a market multiplier. Your title is fantastic and has appeal beyond your current market, but how do you take it to global or multilingual markets? You only need machine translation and human post-editing technologies. Bilingual authors can write content in both languages, and publishers can easily publish in multiple languages to repurpose content assets. Gain in translation.

Design with AI: Use text-to-image or sketch-to-image technologies to make original artwork for your book’s cover and illustrations instead of paying hefty for artists, or overused and pricey stock photos. The automatic image creation tool does all the work for you; all you have to do is tell it what you want it to create. You don’t have to draw a parrot by hand if the programme can do it for you; just give it some instructions like “Draw a parrot in red colour, sitting on top of a mobile tower against a purple sky.” Artificial intelligence tools can make one for you, and the resulting parrot would be completely fictional.

Generate audiobooks with AI: Use cutting-edge speech recognition and text-to-speech tools to expand your horizons. Either you process a transcript of a speech and use that as the basis for your book, or you take the easy route and convert your book’s text into a fully automated AI voice. Artificial intelligence voices, like fonts, come in a variety of styles to suit a variety of purposes, varying by gender, geography, and pitch.

Afraid of them, yet you adore them? The next step is to test out some of the numerous available AI tools on the web. Ailaysa is an AI powered multilingual content generating platform that integrates several of these tools. In addition, it allows you to work as a team. Although its current focus is translation, future updates will include additional artificial intelligence features such as automated writing and image generation.

In order to reach a wider audience, authors and publishers should think about using highly affordable and subscription platforms like Ailaysa. Through the use of AI, numerous barriers have been broken through. These include the barriers between writing and translation, text and image, text and voice, and most significantly, between languages. This opens the door to more ambitious goals. Artificial intelligence will have a significant effect on all books, but especially on academic and nonfiction works. There is a dramatic decrease in both publication costs and time to market. Go multilingual to tell your story more widely.

Ilangoven Chinnusamy


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