Publicon 2014 – publishing across platforms


The digital revolution has brought a number of changes in the world of publishing. It has not only revolutionised the publishing process, but has also brought new models of book distribution and new platforms to read and interact with the book. In addition, digital has enabled the creative industries, publishing services, technological innovations and the internet revolution, to become an integral part of the publishing process today. Further, existence of numerous publishing apps clearly indicates that publishing is increasingly moving towards a mobile platform. These new developments have brought to the fore new challenges of innovation, strategy and adaptability.

The major challenge that a publisher faces today is how to make a book accessible across multiple platforms and to be able to access new revenue streams. Content strategy and information architecture management are the new buzzwords through which the publisher grapples with. In this backdrop, PubliCon 2014- Publishing Across Platforms, organised by FICCI on December 3, 2014 at FICCI, Federation House, Tansen Marg, New Delhi, will look into these new areas of publishing and will try to find solutions to some of these new challenges.

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