Books In Focus


A Disciple The Spiritual Path to Infinite Happiness

Author: Feroze Dada
Imprint: Mensch Publishing

When I set up Mensch Publishing a few years ago, I deliberately avoided deciding what genres I would pursue. I just wanted to find authors who would work with me to find their never dreamt I would publish this book about how to attain spiritual happiness. I met the author Feroze Dada and was impressed by the quiet honesty and modesty of a happy and fulfilled person.

The book was originally entitled The Disciple but that felt a little immodest and the book is now A Disciple. It is the story of the author’s discovery and continuing discovery of how to lead a peaceful life. It is very moving and very educational. The book will undoubtedly find many readers in the UK and the Western world in general but it is clearly of huge importance in India where western pricing and international logistical issues might constrain its sales. I was therefore delighted when Bloomsbury India offered to reprint and publish its own edition for in March 2022. The author’s profits from sales of the book are being sent to support the Sylvan Healing Sanctuary Trust.

-Richard Charkin

The Genius of Indraprastha (Gondwana Chronicles Book 1)

Author: HarshwardhanPadole
Publisher: Om Scitech Books

The book answers the question whether our ancient Aryan legends are a myth or history. And if it’s history, how did all that glory vanish.

There are many characters in the book and each one is equally important. The dialogues are so well penned that they added to the beauty of story. Also, there were elements of surprise. The author seems to have done a lot of research on ancient India. I was amazed at the vivid descriptions of technology that ancient India had. Also, there was use of Sanskrit sentences at few places. Very tactfully, author has written some words of wisdom. The cover page is really attractive and title is so apt. The font size and style and spacing make the book an easy read. If you are someone who loves mythological fiction, the book is definitely for you.

-Nayna Bansal


Author: Sabyn Javeri
Publisher: HarperCollins

This anthology of 16 short stories set across Pakistan and United Kingdom,reconnoiters the complex paradigms of ‘hijab’ crucially navigating through women’s scrimmage for agency and voice that universally percolates into issues of gender, identity, sexuality, desires, religion, survival, and class. Javeri’s unabashed sleight of hand strips ‘hijab’ off its stereotypes, sometimes granting it an intricately redemptive role of its own.Through the compendium of the characters’ perspectives, and poignant themes, it unveils stirring questions about empowerment against societal norms and moralities.

A captivating read, this anthology dissects through conditioning and emancipates the protagonists through depictions of their circumstantial journeys with ‘hijab’, largely expanding their voices beyond societal and patriarchal confines.

– Arunima Aditya

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