Price change: No stickers please!
Often we find price stickers on the books, which makes us think whether the retailer is giving it at a fair price? On the other hand, it is a time-consuming task for a publisher as book prices are revised with the changing input costs. But, not any more as Mark to Mark Printing Technology has a solution. Due to changing input publishing cost, the price of the book are revised every now and then and for every change in price, publishers have to deal with extra work load of getting stickers printed to stick on to each book separately. The time taken is too much and labour cost an extra burden.
To give it a permanent, efficient and cost-effective solution, Mark to Mark Printing Technology offers Revised MRP Printing Machine. It prints the new price in seconds and is able to print 1,000-1,200 prints per hour. The machine comes with a self-contained option to print at the chosen place. And there’s no waste of time and it is so simple to operate that any unskilled person can handle it.
Many big, small and medium publishing houses are using these machines for reprinting price on their books. Some of their well-known clients include MBD (22 machines in different parts of the country), JB Publication, Mathura; Srijan Publication, Delhi; Anand Books Pvt Ltd, Delhi; Arrowhead Publications, Hyderabad; Aadarsh Pvt Ltd, Bhopal; Viva Publications, Noida; Orient Black Swan Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Guwahati; Universal Law Publishing House, Delhi; Evergreen Publications, Ghaziabad; Jay Cee Publication, Delhi; Hans Publication, Delhi; Heavens Publications, Delhi; Helpline Publication, Delhi; Encyclopaedia Britannica, Noida; Corodova Publications, Noida; Jeevan Book House, Delhi; etc. to name a few.
For more information, write at or call at 09811127408.
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