World Book Day @ DC Books


On April 23, DC Books celebrated this year’s World Book Day with indelible art. Taking into account the influential role books hold in one’s life, World Book Day was celebrated in order to laud the books and authors who gifted us words that speak to us. An initiative that happened simultaneously at two venues featured prominent graffiti artists who weaved their magic at the entrance of Trivandrum and Kottayam branches of DC Books.

In these times where flex boards and DTP centres do an overkill, an artistic representation of a bookshelf at the entrance of a book shop is a gentle reminder to the society about the importance of a bookshelf in carving an informed and well-read society.

The initiative gained momentum with the #ReadABookToday campaign that followed. One had to write a short review in less than 150 words about the last book they read, tag @dcbooks, tag a friend they would like to gift that book and wait for their review to get 200 likes.

The first 5 winners won vouchers for Rs 2000 and the friend with a copy of the book.

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