Meet Your Publishers: PM Publications, New Delhi
PM Publications
PM Publications is India’s leading publishers of all times largest selling book Rapidex English Speaking Course. They also publish a broad range of general books which includes tales & story, religion, self improvement, biographies, motivational and many more subjects in various languages. They have recently launched the Kidz Factory for children books at the recently held Delhi Book Fair. “We have 150 titles and we publish books in English, Hindi and regional languages like Marathi and Bengali. We have four-five books in Urdu as well,” told Nipun Gupta, director, PM Publications. They have 24 titles in colouring books also, which feature mythological characters like Ganesha, Lord Shiva, Krishna and Hanuman.
“We are trying to offer export quality books in domestic market,” he said. Talking about the distribution system, Nipun revealed that they will continue to work on traditional channels of distribution as they already have a huge distributor network in place. “We are concentrating on offline market and are not planning to sell through online channels,” he added. “However, we will launch an app next year as we wish to create a kids hub in next five years, both offline and online. We will also focus on south east market. Right now, we are targeting India and SAARC countries,” he told.
Innovative titles on health education
Dreamland Publications has published a set of 6 books on Children’s Health Education. The aim of Health Education is the achievement and maintenance of good health which is defined by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as “a state of physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Health Education is concerned with developing knowledge, attitudes and practices which lead to healthy living. It teaches the individual to fit into and serve as a useful member of his community. The books in this series aim at a practical approach to the ways of attaining good health.
This book is for the age group 5-10 years. The contents of all the books in the series are based on the revised syllabuses for Health Education worldwide. The topics covered in these books include: Appraisal of the pupils’ health status; Health and disease; Foods for growing children; Water for health; Cleanliness of the home, school and public places; Dental health; and Family living.
The illustrations and exercises in these books are designed to enhance the pupils’ interest in healthy living.
The Gita: For Children
Author: Roopa Pai
Publisher: Hachette India
(Pp 296, ISBN 978-9351950127, Rs 299)
In a world full of challenges, there are times when we wonder what to do and what not to do. Roopa Pai’s book The Gita: For Children serves as an insight into the epic work for people of all ages who face such a dilemma. In this attempt, the author does not stop with only translating the essence of the conversation that passed between Mighty Arjuna and Lord Krishna.
She also goes on to beautifully relate the relevance and application of the teachings of each chapter in today’s world. She makes it more interesting by interspersing the words of other writers on similar lines. For instance, how the ‘Seven Ages’ by William Shakespeare actually concurred with Lord Krishna’s words that Arjuna was just another character in God’s production. Or how a couple of stanzas from Rudyard Kipling’s poem ‘If’ also emphasise that one should treat happiness and unhappiness the same way. Or how Harper Lee’s ‘To kill a mockingbird’ also presents ideas on the lines of The Gita.
Bhagavad Gita comes with its share of complex ideas and vocabulary. However, the attitude and language of Roopa’s book makes it accessible to the younger generation. Further, she does break down formal terminologies to ensure better understanding and smooth reading. In addition, mind-boggling facts kindle the reader’s interest from time to time.
–Janani Rajeswari S
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