Book fairs: Roadmap for the future


So, for publishers, book fairs are a time-efficient way to reach their customers specially the new ones. Besides, they can look at the respective websites of the book fairs to know what to expect new and plan their participation accordingly. They can pre-book appointments, ensuring a much fruitful show. And it’s not just the exhibitors who benefit from book fairs, visitors have a lot to gain as well. Even though one can buy books through online channels, but here they select the book on the basis of its popularity or if they have a title in mind. Whereas, when you are in the ocean of books at the book fair, you pick up books that you like instantly. There are always chances to pick up more books than you intend. Children also get a chance to browse through books and when they pick up books themselves, one can be sure they will read it. Hence, developing the reading habit in them.

Since the very purpose of having a book fair is also to promote reading habits, the organisers should promote book fairs in a way to attract maximum footfalls. In India, good number of people do live in the clusters of apartments and promotion of book fairs among them make sense in attracting households for visiting the book fair collectively also on the lines of school children. In fact, at least one member of each family must visit the book fair and buy books for the family.

We now look forward to the mecca of book publishing – the Frankfurt Book Fair, where the industry is sure to find the latest trends, which would help them in setting their plans for the future.

While, we do await for our annual New Delhi World Book Fair and International Kolkata Book Fair early next year, which remain festivals of books and celebration for all book lovers.

Let us all come forward and take advantages out of book fairs in plenty!

SK Khurana

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