Digital presses offer add-on opportunities to book publishers


Rapid increase in demand for short-run productions and POD jobs in the book publishing market has correspondingly augmented the role of digital presses which provide publishers various add-on advantages the industry has ever experienced. In this respect, Avijit Mukherjee, chief operating officer, production printing business group, RICOH India talked to AABP during NDWBF ’14 giving a spotlight on the revolution that RICOH digital presses have swept in across the book printing segment.

“Arrival of a host of digital companies introducing e-books or other digitised book formats in the book publishing market is not at all a ‘threat’ to the conventional book printing activities. Such trend still embracing printing as a very integral part to handle short-run productions of books in which digital presses play a vital role,” said Avijit adding that digital presses save paper wastage and production cost which is significantly cost effectiveness of digital technology against offset. He further explained that the advent of digital presses will eventually reduce the volume of books lying unsold in bookstores, stocking untouched in libraries, etc.

RICOH’s digital presses are perfectly engineered to cater sheer requirement which book publishers all over the globe keep demanding for efficiency and consistency in quality. “The trend of accepting digital presses among book publishers has been witnessing at various book fairs and events. New Delhi World Book Fair, International Kolkata Book Fair and Jaipur Literature Festival are some events where I have witnessed a number of book publishers already adopted RICOH machines for unique production jobs,” mentioned Avijit. He added that the new role of online technologies and digital presses has brought in the concept of ‘global publishing’ which in turn brings all in the world of book publishing closer than we imagined.

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