Africa in Action – International Publishers Association commits to concrete action


40 African publishers’ associations gathered for a seminar in Nairobi as International Publishers Association signed Memoranda of Understanding with the African Publishers Network and the Association for the Development of Education in Africa to formalise the IPA’s commitment to the region.

The International Publishers Association had two-day celebration of African publishing under the theme Africa Rising: Realizing Africa’s Potential as a Global Publishing Leader in the 21st Century, the signings accompanied detailed discussions of concrete actions of support and collaboration that could be implemented rapidly.

The Memoranda of Understanding confirmed the three organisations’ commitment to strengthening the IPA’s Regional Seminars further as well as developing campaigns around education and literacy. Straight after the signing, the three organisations took advantage of the presence of the heads of 40 African publishers’ associations to set out the first steps of the newly formalised partnerships.

IPA President, Hugo Setzer said, “In recent years IPA has stepped up its commitment to our African members. Today’s historic agreements with our Associate Member, APNET and ADEA, show that we are committed to walking the walk and not just talking the talk. All the right ingredients are present in so many African nations for thriving publishing industries that will drive education and share the diversity of cultures this wonderful continent has to offer. IPA will continue to support African publishers as they realise that potential.”

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