Tick-Tock We’re 30 Author: Milan Vohra


Publisher: Westland Ltd
(Pp 402, ISBN 978-93-82618-22-5, Rs 250)

Thirty…considered a deadly age for women…well….when will women understand that age is just a number? Tick-Tock We’re 30 is a story of a bunch of friends, who have reached the milestone in their life – 30. To celebrate, Lara’s 30th birth anniversary, the whole gang arranges a get-together…honouring the pact to meet when all of them turned 30.

The book narrates the lives of these young men and women, who fall in and out of love and much more. Since all the characters are Indian and the story is based in Delhi, many Delhites would surely find some instances picked up from their own life.

The only thing I found bothering was sometimes, too many details were given, which could have been avoided. Else, it is an entertainer…a light read for young people.

– Vasu V

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