Publishing Next – conference in Goa!


CinnamonTeal Publishing, a company that pioneered the business of providing publishing services to authors and trade publishers in India, is organizing a two-day conference on the future of publishing, called Publishing Next. This conference, to be held in Goa on the 16th and 17th of September 2011, will bring together authors, publishers, digital content providers, bloggers, librarians, government officials and many others directly or indirectly associated with publishing. This will ensure that a free and spirited discussion is held, one that attempts to gaze into the future and prepare all those involved for what lies in the future of publishing and allied fields.

The conference will include a series of panel discussions and workshops. Besides a free and forthcoming discussion on various topics, the conference is designed to promote networking among the various attendees, facilitate the trade of rights between publishers themselves and between publishers and vendors of various hues, and organize workshops that educates the audience on the technical aspects of social media marketing and digitization of content.

For more info, visit

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