CAPEXIL@Beijing International Book Fair


Capexil’s president Ramesh K MittalCAPEXIL Book Division, sponsored by Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India participated in Beijing International Book Fair along with 13 member-exporters which was held from August 23-27, 2017. CAPEXIL participated in this fair to encourage their members to diversify their market. Prashant Sitaram Lokhande, counsellor (Economic), Embassy of India, Beijing, China, inaugurated the CAPEXIL and NBT, India stand.

Sunil Kumar, executive officer, CAPEXILBeijing International Book Fair, Asia’s biggest book fair, logged a record number of exhibitors – 2,511 from 89 countries and 300,000 visitors. The exhibitors recorded 5,262 rights deals, which exceeded last year’s figure of 5,018. Visitors noted the growth of new publishing sectors rather than a concentration on those traditionally associated with BIBF – educational titles, science and children’s books. For the first time, lifestyle, health and wellness, cookery and home-making titles were much in evidence, reflecting the trends and interests of the Chinese middle-class consumer.

Children’s books were reportedly the most popular area for rights deals, and this continued growth of sales was matched by interest in titles about children’s development and psychology. Topics like autism, sibling rivalry and divorce were also very popular.

Capexil’s president, and chairman, Books, Publications & Printing Panel, Ramesh K Mittal visited the Indian participants Stand along with Prashant Sitaram Lokhande and Sanjeev Kumar, second secretary and interacted with them to understand their success stories as well as their difficulties to export their items.

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