Elements of Mechanical Engineering (Third Edition)


Authors: Dr. DS Bedi and Prof MP Poonia
Publisher: Khanna Book Publishing, New Delhi
(Pp 730, ISBN 10: 9386173069, Rs 450)

Elements of Mechanical Engineering contains three different fields viz. Thermodynamics, Strength of Materials and Theory of Mechanism. Dr DS Bedi, BE (Delhi), M.E. (Roorkee) (Gold Medalist), Ph D (Waterloo Canada), and Prof MP Poonia, an M Tech (Mech) and Ph D (Thermal Engg) Degrees holder from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, are very well known prominent authors and possess rich teaching experience in these subjects in B Tech classes in India. They have written this book in a simplified language in elaborated chapters.

Elements of Mechanical Engineering contains 14 chapters on topics ranging from the basic concepts of thermodynamics upto centre of gravity. Every chapter in this book is supplemented with a large number of solved examples, which centre on every possible situation. At the end of each chapter are ‘review questions’ designed for students to exercise and these questions are made conversant with the question models of various university examinations. Chapter 13 in this book covers topics in a broad spectrum covering common topics, which are commonly designed for electronics, automobile, airplane and other allied industries.

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