Oceans and the Future of the Human Race


Author: Sudipta Kumar De
Publisher: Gennext Publications, New Delhi
(Pp 503, ISBN 978-93-8022-287-5, Rs 540)

Oceans always fascinate us…its beauty and bountiness leave us amazed. Most of us feel an emotional tie to the oceans, and breathe a sigh of relief or relaxation as soon as we set our eyes upon the deep blue wilderness, a feeling of coming home. Oceans touch our lives in countless ways. Oceans are unique is a way that life is found all the way from the surface to the very bottom of the deepest part.

The book is written in a lucid and very readable style and provides a wealth of knowledge and insightful analysis, which is a rare amalgam of multidisciplinary perspectives and unique lines of intellectual inquiry.

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