High Blood Cholesterol: Causes, Prevention and Treatment


Author: Dr Krishan Gupta
Publisher: Orient Paperbacks
(Pp 240, ISBN 9788122205893, Rs 295)

High Blood Cholesterol is a major cause of heart attacks, but it can be prevented, controlled and reversed. This book helps in preventing coronary heart disease by recognizing, modifying and reducing the risk due to high blood cholesterol.

While many of us are aware of the risk, few really know whether they are in the high, medium or low risk category. This book informs the likely damages caused by high cholesterol, and shows the way to counter them. It tells you how simple changes in diet and lifestyle can bring cholesterol within normal limits.

Informative, authoritative and comprehensive – the book is backed by the latest in research, surgical remedies and medicinal cures. Divided into four parts – understanding cholesterol, causes of high blood cholesterol, lowering your cholesterol and a healthy future is yours – the book gives practical tips for choosing the right food, and do’s and don’ts for a healthy lifestyle.

– Varsha Verma

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