An ethical and value-based approach is a must with AI in education!

R.R. Aiyar, Retd. Ex. Sr. VP Amity University Press, shares his views on the role of AI in academic publishing and how moral values are important in this digital age.


Importance of AI in the context of education…

There are innumerable pluses with AI centric educational program, here are a few:

  • Learning to suit children: AI can help in an education programme,customized to the needs of students after a thorough study of strengths and weaknesses. In many ways, AI unearths the latent talent in the kid.
  • Comfort zone for teachers: AI will certainly help in grading, structuring and scheduling of the educational programs… more time can be spent on qualitative teaching. Pedagogy would see a new high.
  • Learning languages would be fun: AI language systems will certainly be a boon. Automated language translation & speech-to-text tools would be fun in learning languages. It must be remembered that language is not a body of knowledge to be learnt, but a skill to be acquired.

Sure an ethical approach would be needed but a future generation would move ahead in life with the confidence of an effective education–knowledge-wisdom in place.

Role of value-based education in AI…

Moral values are the very base and foundation of the start of your character building exercise. The role of parents, and not just textbooks, play a significant role in the child imbibing the values of:

  • Parents-sibling bonding;learning the importance of nature /environment in improving the quality of our lives.
  • Being in a society, happily moving in unison with helpers/doctors/neighbours/elders.
  • The new found social media will also need to be handled with care and caution.
  • Getting to know our faith, religion, epics and understanding the all-important lines that divide good from the bad,and, lastly, not to forget the vital importance of well-being and maintaining good health.

These values get add-ons from the time to time and in various phases of our lives, thanks to so many aspects, including Peer impact and influencing factors at various stages in our lives. This is fine, provided the basic fabric of Respect, Relationship and Responsibility, the all-important structural build-up of our values /character are not tampered with.

AI systems need to be addressed with our value systems, intact. Not without it. AI is an unstoppable engine, with multiplying benefits that could be a boon and a bane on human creativity. Bane, if handled with no ethics.

In essence, early exposure of moral values builds up a firm foundation for ethical handling of AI and its connected technology into our society.

AI and the apprehension in academic publishing…

The apprehensions, fear, of Academic Publishers to a large extent, are just. AI systems still in its infancy do not provide solutions and answers on many pertinent doubts and fears:

  • Job losses: AI automates certain tasks, hitherto, handled by humans -especially from amongst content developers, both in the editorial and from authors. These jobs are primarily creative centric and won’t need human approach. Auto mode approach will in no way be accepted. Confusions would certainly rule supreme, unless policies are in place to understand and regulate a system that can be accepted. The approach should be amiable mix of both human-automated combine. THERE SHOULD BE NO JOB LOSSES.
  • IPR and related issues: Royalty Payments to authors/copyrights and ownership issues /content development hassles, these and more need to be addressed to, post-haste. If this is not in place, Academic Publishing will take a huge beating qualitatively.
  • Learning curve: Academic Publishing is all about helping students honing the four skills of learning -LISTENING, SPEAKING, READING, WRITING. AI system should add on to this learning curve. It should be a joint collaboration between the publishers and AI technology.
  • Cost implication: This segment will have a paradigm shift. The Academic Publishers will certainly need a clarity, with AI systems in place,on various inputs including,initiation costs/royalty fee /production evaluation/marketing expenses. These and more need to be addressed to for a viable and acceptable workable solution.

On a concluding note…

AI is a Progressive System to Academic Publishers. An ethical and value-based approach is a must if this automated technology is to work in tandem with the human approach. Yes, it certainly is a good connect and combine, when the oneness in togetherness takes place.

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