Aug – Sep 10 Table of Contents On Aug 28, 2010 16,612 Share EDITORIAL Investing wisely! 8 SUCCESS Kodak strengthens CtP base in Punjab and Chandigarh 10 VIEWS ‘Status of infrastructure determines strength of success in trade shows’ 11 GOING PLACE IANS Publishing: contract publishing since the pre-internet days 12 OTHER SIDE Are plastics banned? Not really so! 14 AWARDS Six technologies from five companies marked the InterTech stars 2010 16 INROAD Monotech makes debut for Xeikon digital label press in India 18 SPOTLIGHT Replika Press evolving with sublime milieu for spectacular quality 20 BRAND POWER Forestalling challenges in the Indian packaging market 22 PACKAGING/FINISHING 23 FOCUS Smruti adds one more feather in its wings 28 EXHIBITIONS Labelexpo India 2010 gears up to mark feat 31 Interpack 2011: a showcase for future of packaging 31 Print industry exhibitions coming next 33 Printpack India 2011 intensifies promotional campaign 34 CHENNAI DIARY Inauguration of SPE 2010-11 at Anna University 35 VARIABLE DATA & DIGITAL PRINTING 39 NEW PRODUCTS/INSTALLATIONS 48 NEWSPAPERS & TECHNOLOGY 54 EDUCATION Contribution of BE’s in today’s technological era (Part II) 57 WIDE FORMAT APPPEXPO 2010 wraps up fruitfully 58 VD Signages boasts of a complete colossal facility 58 Macromedia sets new class of glass printing 61 NEWS & ACTIVITIES 64 16,612 Share
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