Meet NK Mehra

Managing Director Narosa Publishing House

After graduating from the Delhi University, Narendra Kumar Mehra started his publishing career in 1959. He set up with his late wife Rosemarie his own two companies Narosa Book Distributors (NBD) to distribute books and Narosa Publishing House (NPH) to publish in STM areas. For NPH, he successfully signed agreements with many International Publishers to co-publish original NPH titles for agreed markets and assigned translation rights to publishers in China, Russia, Thailand, Indonesia and in the Arab World.
Nandi (as he is popularly known) has a rich experience of almost fifty years in the publishing world and served on the Executive Committee of the Federation of Publishers and Book Sellers of India where he was elected President for two terms. Currently he is the President of The Federation of Indian Publishers having been on its Executive Committee for over ten years.


Get to know me

Who I am? I am just what I am — a good, reliable friend.

What motivates me? I love publishing and meeting people, talking to them and learning about the scientific world.

How I came into Publishing? I came into publishing by chance. I met Peter Jayasinghe of Asia Publishing House, while I was at the Delhi University. My English professor in Delhi University recommended me to him and I landed as a Representative and ended up as a Branch Manager in Asia Publishing House.

If not in publishing, what would I be: Though I don’t know of any other profession, but when I was young, I dreamed to be an aviator in Naval Air Arm.

A day in my life

How I start my day? I start my day at 4.30 in the morning and look after my kitchen along with some others chores first, a habit I got from my wife Rosemarie. I then settle down with my tea and read three newspapers. I reach my office at 9.

How I like to spend leisure time: I love travelling and meeting people, tasting local food and sight-seeing. Back home, I sometimes, walk around the Rose Garden or the Lodhi Gardens.

My day ends at: I leave my office at 5. I am very punctual…again this is something I learnt from my wife.


My stress buster: I like to relax at home, pick up a book to read and spend quality time with my grandchildren.

Life is to Live

Favourite sport: I was interested in cricket at one point of time and then switched to tennis for a large number of years. Later, my interest was divided into gliding and tennis and I found it difficult to leave either. I was also a part of Indian Gliding Team and went for the World Gliding Championship in Cirencester, UK.

Favourite books: I love to read and the last book I read was The Bengalis by Sudeep Chakravarti and published by Aleph Book Company. I read everything that I can get hold of — fiction, non-fiction, politics, business, etc. One book which really was very thought-provoking was Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky Constance Garnett.

Favourite movies: Sound of Music and all Cowboy movies

Favourite actors: Geeta Bali, Audrey Hepburn

Favourite destination for holidays: I have travelled extensively but one place I now like to visit is Munich, where my wife rests in peace. I like to visit her and spend some time with her. Otherwise also, Munich is a beautiful place surrounded by lovely lakes.

Work is passion

Business leader who motivates you: Byju, Nandan Nilekani, Tatas, NR Narayana Murthy

Narosa – how the name came: This is the combination of the first two letters of names – mine (Narendra), my wife (Rosemarie) and my son (Sascha).

Narosa in one line: Narosa was established to project Indian scientific writers internationally and to a large extent, we have succeeded in our mission.

My people mantra: To work hard and work conscientiously. I also motivate my team to be punctual.

To be a leader is: I look at myself as one of the people who work with them. I show a roadmap to people and lead by example.

An exciting point in a typical day’s work: Signing a good book.

If you are born again what would you like to be? A pilot for sure!

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