Is Your Mind Really Yours?


Break Free from the Shackles of a Programmed Life

Author: Ajay Sachdeva
Publisher: Niyogi Books, New Delhi
(Pp 180, ISBN 978-93-86906-04-5, Rs 395)

I have a huge appetite for self-help books as they help me to reflect on my life and help me take corrective action, if required. Is your mind really yours? is a stimulating book that compels the reader to revisit his/her life’s journey so far. Though the book does not teaches anything new, but the way the author puts old wine in new bottle is definitely worth reading.

Aptly divided into seven sections, the book helps in discovering our true self, finding one’s relationship with oneself, family and friends, work and career and finally the essence of a liberating journey. Written in an easy-to-understand language, without being preachy, the book does helps in breaking free from the shackles of a programmed life, which we all are living!

– Varsha Verma

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