CAPEXIL took an Indian delegation at Beijing International Book Fair


CAPEXIL took a delegation of 11 member-exporters from India to Beijing International Book Fair, which was held from August 22-26, 2018 in Beijing. This delegation was led by Sunil Kumar, Executive Officer, on behalf of CAPEXIL Book Division, sponsored by Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India. CAPEXIL participated in this fair to encourage new exporters (Indian publishers andprinters) for diversifying their market. Geetika Srivastva, Counselor. Embassy of India, Beijing, China, inaugurated the stand of CAPEXIL, NBT, India,and Publication Division (Ministry of information and Broadcasting , GOI).

Sunil Kumar visited the Indian participants’ stand along with Geetika, who interacted with them to understand their success stories as well as their difficulties to export their items to China.

The Beijing Book Fair is growing and besides the stands of the numerous Chinese publishers at the fair, most of the major international publishers had booths.

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