Two new reports on publishing!


At the Guadalajara International Book Fair, two new reports have been published which provide data on over 70 publishing markets around the world: the Global Publishing Industry 2022 by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), and International Publishing Data 2023 by the International Publishers Association (IPA) and Nielsen BookData. Together they represent the most comprehensive overview of the international book market available today.

Commenting on the launch of the reports, IPA President, Karine Pansa, said, “We know that publishing plays a vital role culturally, educationally, but also economically in the world. These two statistical reports are part of establishing the evidence base that will enable us to explain to policy makers the importance of publishing.”

The Global Publishing Industry 2022 covers 35 countries through 5 different sources: (a) a publishing industry survey, (b) a legal deposits survey, (c) Nielsen BookScan data, (d) the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) Agency and (e) the IPA and Nielsen BookData report. Data was gathered with support from publishers’ associations, the Federation of European Publishers, the Centro Regional para elFomento del Libro en América Latina y el Caribe (CERLALC), the International ISBN Agency and Nielsen BookData. This is the 5th edition of the report since WIPO and the IPA started working together on publishing sector data in 2017.

While, International Publishing Data 2023 covers the 76 countries where IPA had members at the beginning of 2023.

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