The Source …Power of Happy Thoughts


Author: Sirshree, Publisher: Wow Publishings Pvt Ltd
(Pp 212, ISBN 978-93-87696-05-1, Rs 250)

We all seek inner peace, lasting joy and unconditional love. But it eludes us as we are drawn into challenges of daily life. At the same time, we also seek to enjoy a perfect life, brimming with harmony in relationships, financial freedom and physical vitality. Can we have both? Yes, all this is possible with happy thoughts!

That’s what the book is all about. The cover of he book itself gives you joy and peace at the same time. Very easy to understand and follow, it is a very informative and practical self-help book. The book is divided into three sections — wisdom of the source, powers of the source and living with the source. Change your life with these easy-to-follow tips to happiness, joy and peace.
– Varsha Verma

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