Celebration of colours!!!


Celebration of colours!!!Colour is….fun, complex, vibrant, emotional and dynamic. Ubiquitous but instinctual, one hardly knows how the mind perceives colour. Superficially, colour creation, selection or appreciation may seem like they have very little of the method in them, yet visual artists and designers today are freely exploring with high-tech colour combination techniques, 3D imaging or light enabled artificial colour creation, giving a whole new direction to the possibilities of colour in design.

The PechaKucha ‘RGB’ hosted by CMYK bookstore, Delhi in collaboration with CKS and German Book Office on September 29, 2010 was a successful interactive night with nine young domain speakers covering a wide range of colour experience stories- from ‘trend’ and ‘aesthetics’ to ‘language of colour’. The speakers for the night included Dinesh Khanna – photographer, Divya Dutta – design trends specialist, Lohash Sood – media artist, Neena Guleria – colour therapist, Nida Mahmood – fashion designer, Nien Siao – colour consultant, Sonali Rastogi – architect, Srishti Bajaj – product designer and Ridhi Parekh – user experience consultant. In 20 slides of 20 seconds each, the presentations took the audience through fashion to architecture, media to photography, graphics to product design, holding out new colour views across industry, design domain and specializations.

The night was indeed colourful, with almost 100 colour enthusiasts of different ages and interests gathered at the CMYK bookstore, Delhi. The event witnessed a variant cross perception on colour and how it differed in other non-Indian colour societies. The discussion about colour therapy used for human well being was widely appreciated by the audience. The presentation covered topics like ‘Colour Experience’, ‘New India Bioscope’, ‘The Colour of Green’ and ‘Light and How it Heals’- such a variance surely deserved some wine and cheese!

Interestingly, PechaKucha Night was devised in Tokyo in February 2003 as an event for young designers to meet, network, and show their work in public. It has turned into a massive celebration, with events happening in hundreds of cities around the world, inspiring creatives worldwide. Drawing its name from the Japanese term for the sound of ‘chit chat’, it rests on a presentation format that is based on a simple idea: 20 images x 20 seconds. It’s a format that makes presentations concise, and keeps things moving at a rapid pace.

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