Arjuna: Saga of a Pandava Warrior-Prince


Author: Anuja Chandramouli
Publisher: Platinum Press, an imprint of Leadstart Publishing, Mumbai
(Pp 363, ISBN 978-93-8157-63-97, Rs 250)

Arjuna is the immortal tale of one of India’s greatest heroes. This Pandava warrior- prince has been a fascinating person for one and all.

The book is a collection of episodes from Arjuna’s life (some well known, others relatively obscure), gleaned through years of painstaking research and then presented in a seamless narrative with the uninhibited panache and style of a 21st century writer. It spans his journey from before his birth, when omens foretold his greatness, across the fabled, wondrous landscape that was his life. This is the intense and human story of his loves, friendships, ambitions, weaknesses and follies, as well as his untimely death and revival.

The book will appeal to both general readers as well as scholars.

– V Verma

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