Give Nonkilling a Chance


Author: Anoop Swarup

Publisher: Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd.

(Pp 346, ISBN 978-9322008949, Rs 800)

Are Nonkilling societies possible? Dr Anoop Swarup answers this seemingly difficult question with an unequivocal ‘yes’ and a stark statistical revelation that only an insignificant number of humans living in a society have killed their own brethren in contrast to the actions of state and non-state actors!

In this book, Dr Swarup introduces readers to the concept of ‘affirmative nonkilling’, a term coined by him which rests on the premise that ‘wars begin in the minds of men and it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed’.

Give Nonkilling a Chance is a treasure trove of scholarly works from eminent individuals who during the last decade endeavoured to promote a world that is free of killings. It is a veritable follow-up companion to commemorate the historic ‘Non-Killing Global Political Science’ thesis by the late Professor Glenn Durland Paige, the founding Chair of the Center for Global Nonkilling.

– Sanjeev Kandwal

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