Celebrating the journey of 25 issues!


“Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the
most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.”
– Charles William Eliot

Editor – S K Khurana Four years back, when we started this magazine – All About Book Publishing – we were sceptical about the response it would garner from the publishing fraternity. We were faced with mixed reactions – a magazine for the publishing industry, though seemed a good idea to all, it was something new for the Indian publishing industry. But the journey has been phenomenal; we learned a lot of nuances of this industry and in turn, have been successful to greater extent in offering a lot of interesting and helpful insights into the industry.

Through this publication, we are trying to do our bit for the publishing industry which has the ardent responsibility for spread of literacy across the country.

It is a great pleasure to bring out this special issue as it marks the 25th issue of our publication. Since the issue coincides with the ongoing New Delhi World Book Fair 2014, which has a theme focus on ‘children literature’, we thought it worthwhile to bring you the latest trends and cognizance into this important genre of the this specific segment.

Besides, we also bring you in-depth coverage on the encyclopedias and the ongoing trend of debutant authors in the industry. The issue is packed with all other regular features like Bestsellers Lists, Meet the Author, Book Reviews, News, etc.

We also take this opportunity to thank all our contributors, advertisers, readers and well wishers who have always motivated us to bring out an issue, always better than the previous one.

We have also associated ourselves with the publication of Show Daily – the daily newsletter at the New Delhi World Book Fair. So, we will continue to serve the industry through our publication and also through such endeavours, which help us come closer to the industry and foster newer relationships.

Wishing you all a very successful Book Fair!

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