WHO AM I… (A tale of a non-IITian)


Author: Sumit Karn
Publisher: Sanbun Publishers, New Delhi
(Pp 135, ISBN 978-93-8021-396-5, Rs 150)

In the league of young authors who experimentally jot down their life experiences in the form of novels being crafted as close encounters of their autobiographical sketches is Sumit Karn whose debut work Who Am I… A Tale of a Non-IITian portrays chaotic life and time of a teenage. The protagonist in this short novel is highlighted to be a spoilt brat, but not in the real sense of the term, as the author’s attempt brings an essence of teenage period which many of us see it always from the negative sides.

Who Am I… A Tale of a Non-IITian unfolds a tale of a small town boy who is not different from a common one. He dreams of chasing a goal which is filled with all his desires for love, fun, friendship and some dark truth about youthfulness. The narrative defines all possible complexities a growing boy could encounter in his younger years of life. But the story finally pronounces that from an end it always requires a start and a good start can change life!

–Jyaneswar Laishram

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