It’s a hat trick: SAGE Response wins 1st, 2nd and 3rd place at the DMA-NTPC awards


Three SAGE Response titles have swept the top three awards at the DMA-NTPC book awards 2019. The awards were handed out at a ceremony held at the India International Centre. These are, in the sequence of their positions:First position: Life of Y by Debashish Sen Gupta; Second position: Walk the Talk by Anjali Hazarika and Third Position: Winning the HR Analytics by Ramesh Soundararajan and Kuldeep Singh.

The award contains a certificate of merit and prize money of INR 20,000, 15,000 and 10,000 respectively.

“Tremendously excited and very happy to receive the award for The Life of Y. I feel indebted to everyone who has supported me in this journey – my lovely family, my very young illustrator Reetika, friends and to the countless millennials who have trusted me and told me their life stories. A big shout out for the entire Sage Team, who trusted the idea and made The Life of Y a reality,” said Debashish Sen Gupta.

While, Anjali Hazarika said, “I am honoured to receive this recognition. In some sense it is a validation of one simple truth that can be taken away from this book and also an invitation to reflect on the role each one of us— Governments, Employers, NGO’s, Academic institutions, men & women—can play in creating change and a more equal world. As always it has been wonderful to work with SAGE.”

“When we started this book, the intent was to help bring objectivity into the way the HR function is managed. We saw a gap between the expectations from the function, how it is managed and how simple analytics can help bridge the gap. The book evolved from just writing into a link available on the Sage website. With partnering in all crucial steps, we were able to bring this to professionals. It is a pleasure to occasionally see it as the bestseller on Amazon for HR. Our heartfelt thanks to the progressive DMA for recognizing these trends and honouring us with the prize,” added Ramesh Soundararajan and Dr Kuldeep Singh.

Delhi Management Association (DMA), is a premier professional body devoted to evolving and disseminating latest management principles & practices. The DMA-NTPC book awards were instituted with an objective to identify and encourage original writing on Management which makes an outstanding contribution to the understanding of management principles and practices.

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