Stay Smart: 100 Exercises to Keep Your Brain Sharp


Author: Charles Phillips
Publisher: Orient Paperbacks, New Delhi
(Pp 136, ISBN 978-81-222-05-602, Rs 150)

Exercises for your brain…well, we all need them. All of us would have experienced the loss of memory at one point or another – forgetting names, stopping mid-sentence for loss of words, forgotten your PIN or your password which you have been using for years! Well, this is normal. All you need is some exercise for your brain.

The book gives easy brain teasers, intermediate mind stretches and challenging memory joggers, to keep your brain active. The book also shows how your brain and memory function operate, and how to defy the ageing process with key information on diet, exercise, sleep and concentration. A small but power-packed book for one and all!

–Varsha Verma

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