Hone your publishing skills!
-International Publishing Summer School, Oxford, England, July 7-18, 2014
The Oxford International Centre for Publishing Studies (OICPS) at Oxford Brookes University, is one of the leading centres for publishing education in the world. In July 2014, they are set to run their second international Publishing Summer School, a two-week course bringing together publishers from around the world to develop new skills as international publishers and to discuss issues of importance to the industry. With a focus on new technologies, delegates will learn from highly experienced tutors from OICPS, as well as hear from top industry speakers, visit industry players at the cutting edge of digital developments, and improve their knowledge across a range of publishing areas – editorial, production, sales and marketing.
Who should attend…
The programme is designed for people with experience from trade, academic, educational and professional backgrounds, who are keen to develop their strategic and decision-making skills. The course provides the opportunity for delegates to try out a range of new skills in breakout groups and in workshop situations, all in a friendly and supportive environment.
The 2013 edition…
The industry speakers in 2013 came from Bloomsbury, Google, Random House, the Informa Group, Osprey, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Oneworld Publications, and many more, giving delegates the opportunity to learn from leading players how they have created, developed and sold products and services to a range of markets around the world.
A delegate from Ratna Sagar Ltd said about the 2013 course: ‘It was obvious that a lot of thinking and planning had into the course. Every day was stimulating and gave me a lot of food for thought’. Other delegates came from Australia, Hong Kong, Ghana, Nigeria, Germany, Portugal, China and Japan and the feedback from all delegates has been universally positive.
For more info, log on to: http://publishing.brookes.ac.uk/event/international_publishing_summer_school_2014.
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