Book Releases


Who is afraid of the rakshas sweetie-man?

Author: Ranjit Lal
Publisher: Pratham Books
(Pp 12, ISBN 978-93-8742-318-3, Rs 35)

Samar and Nivya are terrified of the Rakshas Sweetie-Man. He looks scary, and oh, does he eat little puppies? When their six puppies run into the Rakshas Sweetie-Man’s shop, the twins must rescue them. But then they get the biggest surprise ever!

The world’s greatest speeches power in spoken words

Author: Jasvinder Kaur
Publisher: Lotus Press
(Pp 224, ISBN 81-8382-129-4, Rs 175)

The present book is written with the purpose of exploring and revealing the secrets of making such remarkable and memorable speeches. The readers would get to know the secret of writing good speeches and delivering them in the most appropriate manner. Exemplary speeches of leaders from all over the world have been added to give the readers a glimpse of one of the most remarkable tools of those great leaders that gave them world popularity.

51 Shaktipithas the kernel of shaktism in South Asia

Author: Suresh Kumar Singh
Publisher: Diamond Books
(Pp 130, ISBN 978-93-5296-187-0, Rs 300)

In the aforesaid reference Shri Suresh Kumar Singh has enumerated the status of 51 Shaktipithas, their importance and the information regarding pilgrimage to these Shaktipithas in this book and has given a new dimension to the understanding of Indian culture.

The time machine homo sapiens version

Author: Monarch Srivastava
Publisher: Diamond Books
(Pp 162, ISBN 978-93-5296-303-4, Rs 300)

This manuscript was created to explain the most important aspect of human life that who we are and where did we come from? This writing will also demonstrate that how short and special human lives are, ‘The hundred years’.

Gandhi’s vision freedom and beyond

Author: Aparna Basu
Publisher: Niyogi Books
(Pp 162, ISBN 978-93-85285-93-8, Rs 1,500)

Gandhi’s Vision: Freedom and Beyond chronicles the principal events leading to India’s independence under Gandhi’s leadership andhis vision of a free India. The book commemorates 71 years of Indian independence and is replete with portraits of the Mahatma in action- invoking the spirit of patriotism, uniting people from all religions, regions and social groups across the country: Hindus, Muslims and Parsis, peasants and landlords, workers and capitalists, the intelligentsia and the illiterates, men and women, the young and the old. This book, embodying the above vision, is brought out as a part of Gandhi’s 150th birth anniversary celebrations.

Common Problems of children

Author: Chitra Garg
Publisher: Lotus Press
(Pp 168, ISBN 81-8382-158-1, Rs 225)

Every child is brought up in a different atmosphere. But there are some common problems of children internationally. Parents have to face such problems of children and sometimes it becomes difficult to solve such a problem which may have an easy solution.

Problems of children are asychological and behavioural. Some problems can be solved easily, while for some, one has to meet a doctor or psychiatrist. This book has been designed and written to help such parents and teachers to overcome their problems like – telling lies, sucking thumb, being obstinate, stealing goods from classmates, shyness etc.

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