America in the Asian Century
Edited by: Maharajakrishna Rasgotra
Publisher: Amaryllis, New Delhi
(Pp 188, ISBN 9789381506288, Rs 495)
America in the Asian Century is a book of essays written by eight select authors who are scholars at Observer Research Foundation (ORF) and senior journalists. This book tells the story of USA’s extensive and vigorous engagements in all Asian regions right from Japan in the continent’s Northeast, through Southeast and South, Persian Gulf, Arab region, central Asia and so on. The experts in the field of foreign policies and politics define the roles of the US in Asia over the last decades and analysing its relevance and importance in the coming years.
Will the US have a role in shaping the 21st century? Will it be a century for China emerging as world superpower? All such analyses on Asia have conceived in the forms of facts and statistics from the experts who purview each sub-region of the continent culminating in an intellectual panorama of the proactive role the US has fulfilled in many a political drama. Grab a copy to check out whether the American balanced relations with major Asian power will turn out to be an American Century in Asia.
– Jyaneswar Laishram
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