Diabetes is not Incurable
Author: Dr. Nagendra Kumar Neeraj
Publisher: Popular Book Depot
(Pp 336, ISBN 978-81-86098-14-1, Rs 350)
Diabetes is a dreaded disease and has made life miserable for people who suffer from it and their families. Allopathy is a suppressive treatment and it checks escalation of this disease but it does not has a permanent cure to it. But, yoga and natural care can be the most effective and permanent therapy for the treatment of diabetes.
The book looks at this treatment which makes diabetes curable. The book throws light on not just the causes, symptoms and diagnosis of diabetes, but also focuses on allopathic treatment, diet, useful recipes for diabetic people, yoga, therapeutic exercises, benefits of walk, alternative medicine therapy and natural care.
The book is a beacon for the proper care and treatment of diabetic patients!
– Varsha Verma
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